All of us but my oldest are sick with colds. Jeromy even stayed home from school today. They've all been snuggling around the living room watching She-ra and playing games. I've been going through stuff, folding/hanging laundry, and doing dishes when I can, and napping when I cannot. Really rainy out today, and I feel pretty terrible, but I'm smiling! I don't know when it happened exactly, but I just feel like my eyes are finally open, like completely open for the first time in my life. I am happy quite often, and always thankful for what I'm given..... even if what I'm given is a cold, and a rainy day! There are so many other things to be happy about, that it's okay. I am in love with my family, in love with my life, and I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I am an honest, caring, and loving person who always tries my best. I guess I'm finally comfortable in my own skin, and done with letting others' abuse and rudeness dictate how I feel about myself. I wish I knew what changed, or what happened so I could tell other people who feel like I used to feel. Whatever it was, I am truly glad! Have a great night!